Managing your profile and personal data

How do I change my phone number or other personal information?

You can change your phone number, email, and payment region yourself in the app. To do this, tap "Profile" on the home screen → "Your details" → select the info you wish to change. If you get a new phone number, you will have to confirm the new number with the code from the text message.
You can also change your passport details yourself in the app, but you’ll need to attach a scan of the document. To do this, tap "Profile" on the home screen → "IDs" in the "Documents" cluster → "Edit".
You will need photos of the page spreads with your full name, current registered address, and details of your previously issued passports. The data will update automatically in a few days. If you had previously deleted your passport details from the app, add them as you would add any new document: select "Add document" → "Russian passport" → "My passport".
You can change your place of work and address in two ways:
  • on your own, in your profile on click the icon to the right of "My profile" in the top right-hand corner → "Manage profile" → select the info you want to change
  • through a chat with a Tinkoff employee, in the app: go to the "Chat" tab → "Support" → tell them what you want changed.
If you do not want to change your info through the app, call the bank at 8 800 333-33-33 and tell the robot: "Change Passport Info".

Why is it important to update your personal data in a timely fashion?

Phone number: you will need it to log in to your profile, confirm transactions or settings and sign the documents if you decide to open a new account.
Your phone number is your main ID vis-à-vis the bank, so give to the bank a number that you alone have access to.
You will need your email to receive your account statements, certificates, and important information, such as deposit interest rate updates. If you use Tinkoff services, you will also be getting other information by email, such as Tinkoff Travel tickets or Tinkoff Investments course materials.
You need your passport to relate to the bank — we cannot service your accounts without it. You passport is your ID. A bank employee or security officer may ask for your passport details to make sure it’s you and/or to protect your account from cyber fraud. And if you decide to get a new card or take out a loan, this will take longer if your info is out of date: you will have to update the info first.
You need your registered/residence address to schedule a meeting with a Tinkoff representative or to receive paper documents such as certificates for the embassy. If your actual residence address is different from your registered address, it makes sense to give the bank both addresses. A bank officer may ask for your address to verify your identity.
You need to indicate your place of work to get the bank’s approval for a loan or credit card, and to fast-track the meeting with a Tinkoff representative when you want your card to be delivered to you at work.
Payment region is a piece of information our security team needs to know to protect your card from cyber fraud. If we detect a suspicious payment made in an unfamiliar region, we will suspend the card and contact you. If it’s you making that payment, we will unlock your card immediately.

What other info can I add to the app?

You can scan and upload to the Tinkoff app any documents you want to keep within easy reach. This way you can securely store your QR code, Social Security Number (SNILS), TIN, auto insurance policy, birth certificate, statutory health insurance policy and other personal documents — see full list in the app.
To upload a document or see what else you can add, tap "Profile" on the home screen → "Add document" → select document → upload photo and enter data. The data will get uploaded to the system in a few days.

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