21 октября 2023 в 12:30
#уних Как ИИ строить и жить помогает. Как заядлый аудоман, меломан и технический аудиофил решил я посмотреть как бесплатный ChatGPT 3.5 может помочь мне в акустической обработке комнаты. Первый вопрос был для каких частот наиболее эффекитвны басовые ловушки (tube traps) диаметром 30см. В комментариях результаты 👌 #OpenAI $MSFT $GOOG #BARD
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21 октября 2023 в 12:30
Answer: The specific sound frequencies affected by tube traps with a 300mm diameter can depend on various factors, including the design of the tube trap and the acoustics of the room in which they are placed. Tube traps are often used to address issues related to standing waves, bass resonance, and mid-range frequencies. Typically, a 300mm diameter tube trap may be more effective at addressing mid-range and lower frequencies, such as those in the range of 100 Hz to 500 Hz. However, the exact frequency response can vary based on the design and materials used in the tube trap. For a more precise understanding of the frequency range that a particular tube trap can address, it's best to consult the manufacturer's specifications or seek advice from an acoustics expert who can evaluate your specific room and acoustic needs.
21 октября 2023 в 12:31
Вопрос #2: Which sound frequency bands will be mostly diffused on room walls covered by cardboard panels with small uneven cones on them? The cones are approximately 20mm height and 50mm diameter.
21 октября 2023 в 12:32
Sound diffusion is influenced by the size, shape, and arrangement of diffusive elements in a room. The specific sound frequency bands that will be diffused by cardboard panels with small uneven cones (like the ones you described) depend on the dimensions of the cones and the room's acoustics. Generally, smaller irregular surfaces, like the 20mm height and 50mm diameter cones you mentioned, are more effective at diffusing higher frequencies, typically in the range of 2 kHz to 5 kHz and sometimes extending into the midrange frequencies. They can scatter sound waves in multiple directions, reducing the prominence of direct sound reflections and echoes. For lower frequencies (bass frequencies), larger and more irregular diffusers or absorbers are often needed due to the longer wavelengths associated with bass frequencies. The small cones may have less impact on diffusing low-frequency sound. To effectively manage room acoustics and sound diffusion, it's essential to consider the overall design, placement, and materials used, including both diffusers and absorbers, as a combination of these elements can provide balanced sound diffusion across different frequency bands.
21 октября 2023 в 12:42
И если коротко, то на сколько ответ вас удовлетворил?
21 октября 2023 в 12:52
А теперь смотрим ответ $GOOGL BARD: Round tube traps with a diameter of 300mm are most effective at absorbing sound frequencies below 300 Hz. This is because the quarter wavelength of a 300mm sound wave is 300 Hz. At frequencies below 300 Hz, the sound wave is too large to fit completely inside the tube, and the friction of the air against the walls of the tube absorbs the energy of the sound wave. The following table shows the quarter wavelengths of different sound frequencies: | Frequency (Hz) | Quarter Wavelength (mm) | |---|---|---| | 100 | 87.5 | | 200 | 43.75 | | 300 | 300 | | 400 | 225 | | 500 | 175 | As you can see, the quarter wavelength of a 300 Hz sound wave is exactly 300mm. This means that a 300mm round tube trap will be most effective at absorbing sound frequencies below 300 Hz. However, it is important to note that no bass trap will be 100% effective at absorbing all frequencies below 300 Hz. The effectiveness of a bass trap will also depend on the length of the trap and the material it is made from.
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