25 марта 2021 в 16:42
$RCL Часть 2 “Over the past eight months, a highly-controlled resumption of cruising has continued in Europe, Asia, and the South Pacific—with nearly 400,000 passengers sailing to date in more than 10 major cruise markets. These voyages were successfully completed with industry-leading protocols that have effectively mitigated the spread of COVID-19. Additional sailings are planned in the Mediterranean and Caribbean later this spring and summer,” said Kelly Craighead, CLIA’s President and CEO. According to the trade association, the very small fraction of reported COVID cases (fewer than 50 based on public reports) is dramatically lower than the rate on land or in any other transportation mode. “This is a testament to the industry’s unparalleled expertise, gained over more than half a century, in coordinating movements of guests and crew, efficiently organizing complex embarkations and excursions, and designing vessels that are more technologically advanced and operationally agile than any other mode of transportation,” said Craighead.
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13 января 2022
GTHX я уже на этом💩 потерял половину в стоимости. Давай, чуть поднимись и солью тебя нафиг!
6 января 2022
GTHX ниже ещё не было. Мне б процентов на 15-20 он подрос(от текущей цены) и сливаю этот прицеп нафиг🤦‍♂️
2 декабря 2021
GTHX вот клянусь- сровняюсь в ноль и продам эту шнягу. Перспектив не вижу пока